Brine Documentation

A Cucumber based DSL for testing REST APIs.

How to Read This Documentation

Brine’s documentation is broken into a few major sections where the descriptions here should help indicate which section is the best resource for a particular type of need. If there are questions which are not answered after consulting the appropriate section of documentation, then please file a documentation bug.

User Guide
The User Guide provides an introduction to the use and underlying concepts of Brine. The guide also includes a reference list of what is exposed by Brine. The User Guide therefore acts as a high level overview to the standard functionality provided by Brine.
Brine specifications are the living, definitive reference for the Brine DSL, and should be able to answer any specific questions about the behavior of the provided DSL (or any other behavior which is not runtime-specific). The specification should therefore be able to answer any lower level questions about standard Brine behavior but is unlikely to provide guidance in terms of practical application of that functionality.
Articles will be used to provide more targeted information about using Brine. This will include techniques, ideas, and practices around using Brine, how to use Brine with other technologies, and more in-depth explorations of specific use cases.

Indices and tables